1963 (50) Roman coinfinds. Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor... Price €15.00 Quick view
Addison, (J.). 1727 Vellum. Verhandeling over de aeloude gedenkpenningen, door de... Price €140.00 Quick view
Alfaro, Carmen & Andrew Burnett - A Survey of Numismatic Research 1996-2001 Price €40.00 Quick view
Babelon Jean, Roubier - Great Coins & Medals. Superb enlarged photos, Ancient and medieval Price €25.00 Quick view
Bakhoum. Soheir. - Dieux égyptiens à Alexandrie sous les Antonins. Recherches... Price €25.00 Quick view
Berk, Harlan J.- Eastern Roman Successors Of the Sestertius - Illustrations by Sherry... Price €30.00 Quick view
Blanchet: Les trésors de monnaies romaines et les invasions germaniques en Gaule. Forni... Price €25.00 Quick view
Brand (Virgil M.) collection Part 10 - The Final Portion Classical and Modern Coins and... Price €25.00 Quick view
Brand (Virgil M.) collection Part 5, Greek and Roman coins. Sotheby's EP & RP Lists Price €25.00 Quick view
Bruck, Guido-Die spätrömische Kupferprägung: ein Bestimmungsbuch für schlecht erhaltene... Price €45.00 Quick view
Cahn, Adolph E. Frankfurt. Auction 1931-10. (71) Antike Münzen, Anhaltischen... Price €99.00 Quick view
Callatay & Heesch - Greek and Roman coins from the Du Chastel collection, coin cabinet... Price €70.00 Quick view
Carson, 1976 Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum V. VI Severus Alexander to... Price €60.00 Quick view
Carson, Hill & Kent - Late Roman Bronze Coinage A.D. 324-498. 1960! First Edition Original Price €30.00 Quick view
Complete Set of current Editions of the Roman Silver coins by Seaby, Loosley, Sear &... Price €99.00 Quick view
Estiot, S. L'or romain entre crise et restitution, 270-276 apr. J.-C Vols 1+2 Journal... Price €55.00 Quick view
Evers, J. H., 1966, The Haarlemmermeer. Hoard, Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het... Price €30.00 Quick view
Franke, Peter Robert, Paar, Ilse Franke, Die antiken Münzen der Sammlung Heynen. Roman Price €25.00 Quick view
Giacosa, Giorgio - Women of the Caesars. Their Lives and Portraits on Coins Price €75.00 Quick view
Grierson & Bellinger: Byzantine Coins Dumbarton Oaks .Whittemore Collection. Vol. Two.... Price €115.00 Quick view
Hahn & Metlich Money of the Incipient Byzantine Empire: Anastasius I - Justinian I, 491... Price €60.00 Quick view
Hassel, Franz Josef - Die Münzen der Römischen Republik im Römisch-Germanischen... Price €20.00 Quick view
Hill - A handbook of Greek and Roman coins. With sixteen collotype plates. 1964 Argonaut Price €20.00 Quick view
Karola, Margret und Johannes Nollé - Götter, Städte, Feste. Kleinasiatische Münzen der... Price €20.00 Quick view
Kellner, Wendelin 2009 Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten Von Kleopatra bis Arcadius... Price €50.00 Quick view
King, Cathy E.: Roman Quinarii: From the Republic to Diocletian and the Tetrarchy Price €50.00 Quick view
King-Sear - Roman Silver Coins 5 CARAUSIUS TO ROMULUS AUGUSTUS – current Edition 1987 Price €25.00 Quick view
Klose, Dietrich, Gerd Stumpf - Sport, Spiele, Sieg. Münzen und Gemmen der Antike. Price €20.00 Quick view
Lianta, Eleni Late Byzantine Coins (1204-1453) in the Ashmolean Museum UNIVERSITY OF... Price €65.00 Quick view
Macdonald-Coin Types- Their Origin & Development (archaic, ancient through medieval... Price €20.00 Quick view
Maclagan, E. - Catalogue of Italian Plaquettes Victoria and Albert Museum. 1924 original Price €40.00 Quick view
Mattingly & Sydenham: Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC), Volume I, Augustus to Vitellius, 1972 Price €75.00 Quick view
Mattingly, 1965 Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum V. I, Augustus to... Price €60.00 Quick view
Mattingly, 1966 Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum V. II Vespasian to... Price €45.00 Quick view
Mattingly, 1966 Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum V.III Nerva to Hadrian Price €50.00 Quick view
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Mattingly, Sydenham & Sutherland: Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC), Volume IV - PERTINAX TO... Price €99.00 Quick view
Mattingly-Roman Coins : From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western Empire Price €20.00 Quick view
Milne, J. G.: low price Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins. Sanford J. Durst 1982 Reprint Price €40.00 Quick view
Montenegro, Eupremio - Monete di Italia antica e Magna Grecia. All classic Italian coins! Price €195.00 Quick view
Münz Zentrum Köln 1984-11 - Auction 52 - 1984 - Ägyptische Münzen – Ptolemäischen... Price €25.00 Quick view
NNM 028.-Brett, Agnes Baldwin. 1926. Four medallions from the Arras hoard. Numismatic... Price €17.00 Quick view
NNM 040.- West, Allen Brown. 1929. Fifth and fourth century gold coins from the... Price €20.00 On sale! Quick view
NNM 044.- Hill, 1930. On the coins of Narbonensis with Iberian inscriptions.... Price €23.00 Quick view
NNM 149.- Bellinger & Berlincourt - Victory as a Coin Type. Numismatic Notes and... Price €20.00 Quick view
Noeske 'Münzen der Ptolemäer. Catalog of Ptolemaic Coins from Historical Museum... Price €60.00 Quick view
Overbeck, Bernhard- Argentum Romanum.-Ein Schatzfund Von Spätrömischem Prunkgeschirr Price €7.50 Quick view
Pichler, Friedrich: Repertorium der steierischen Münzkunde. Reprint Graz 3 Volumes in 1 Price €50.00 Quick view
Rostowzew, Michael.- Römische Bleitesserae. Klio, Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte,... Price €20.00 Quick view
Rouge, De & Feaurdent The Coinages of the Nomes & Prefectures of Roman Egypt Price €25.00 Quick view
Schillinger-Häfele - Consules - Augusti - Caesares. Datierung von römischen Inschriften... Price €10.00 Quick view
Schulman, Amsterdam – Collection Ratto Lugano 1930. Monnaies Byzantines et D'autres... Price €40.00 Quick view
Seaby - Roman Silver Coins 4 GORDIAN III TO POSTUMUS – 2nd revised current Edition 1982 Price €25.00 Quick view
Sear, David R. All 5 volumes of Roman Coins and Their Values, All Millennium Editions Price €260.00 Quick view
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Sear, David R.–Roman coins and their values. 4th Revised Edition. New.Latest Edition!! Price €25.00 Quick view
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Simonetta & Riva Le tessere erotiche romane (spintriae) : quando ed a che scopo sono... Price €150.00 Quick view
Spring J., Ancient Coin Auction Catalogues, 1880-1980. Spink, London 2009. Hardcover,... Price €45.00 Quick view
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Vagi, D. Coinage and History of the Roman Empire. 2 Volumes. First Edition. Price €99.00 Quick view
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Visconti- le opere di ennio quirino- ICONOGRAFIA ROMANA. Vol I – II First Editions... Price €60.00 Quick view
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